a place where you can be you...

About Me

Hi! I’m Carol and I’m so glad you stopped by.

By nature I’m a dreamer, a thinker, and a bit of an introvert. I prefer to be behind a camera, not in front of one. My motto is “Question Everything” and my favorite question is “WHY?”

Do you ever wonder what your purpose in life is? ‘Why are we here?’ seems to be a universal question. I believe I have the answer. I was reading Thomas Merton’s The Seven Storey Mountain years ago, when I came across a paragraph that jumped out at me. As I read, I felt the purpose of each one of us come into focus: we are here to use the gifts and talents we’ve been given to help each other through this life. It’s that simple.

That’s what this site is about. Exchanging ideas and opinions. Learning from each other. Being introduced to ideas that excite you. Following that excitement straight to one of your gifts. Using those gifts to help a fellow human being.

If you think you don’t have anything to offer, I disagree. Every person has something to offer and I want to help you see yourself from a place where you can recognize your gifts and then live your truth.

I read something in a book of quotes years ago and it really stuck with me. Charles “Tremendous” Jones said, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

I’m inviting you to be one of the people I meet. I’m inviting you to teach me something with your story. I’m inviting you to change my view of the world. And then I want to do the same for you.

Join me as we build a community of growth and transformation, of communication and self-knowledge.

I’ll be posting a piece of my story each week and hoping you will share pieces of your story with me. Let’s chat for a while as we travel this road of life together. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

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